
Frequently Asked Questions 

Why form a company in Portugal?

After the European borders were opened in 1993, all European nationals were able to form a company in a Member State of their choice without the obligation to live there and this is within respect for national company law, pursuant to the 11th Council of Europe Directive (89/666/CE).
To ensure compliance with the Decree of 30th May 1984 (on registration in France of trading companies with their registered office abroad) of the European Union Directives, the 11th Directive was transposed to French law by decree number 92,521 of 16th June 1992, published in the official gazette on 17th June 1992. Likewise, the other European countries have transposed that directive to their national law.

How long does it take to complete the formation of a Portuguese LDA?

As of the moment when we have all your information and documents, the incorporation time depends more on your availability to attend an appointment with us to sign the papers required to form the company. In general, you may obtain an appointment within 48 hours, even less in certain cases.

Do I have to travel to form my company?

The presence of the administrator is essential, although if you have shareholders, the share transfer may be performed remotely.

When will the company be operational?

The company is operational ready to bill from the day of incorporation.

What are your payment conditions?

To start the procedures, we ask you to first pay a transfer deposit of € 500. You will pay the balance on the day of attending to sign, either in cash or by bank transfer.

May I form a company while prohibited to manage or perform banking operations in France?

There is no prohibition on a company being incorporated by persons prohibited to manage or subject to banking prohibitions. No research into your past entrepreneurial or banking record is carried out.

Our Services

Company Creation

The formula we offer allows you to create in 2 hours a Portuguese limited liability company, operational the same day, with a capital deposit of 1€, bank accounts, and possibility of obtaining the intra-community number the same day, and this , without obligation of residence in Portugal.

Bank Account

For many years we have been working with all the largest Portuguese banks, we will help you find the one that best suits your needs and your activity and can advise you on the future of your business and its needs.


Domiciliation is a key about the trust and credibility of your company. Domiciling your company at our Business Centre allows you to have an address in Lisbon centre.


The accounting is managed internally by graduate accountants in order to ensure it always complies with Portuguese corporate and tax law. The tariff range is from € 180 to € 250 per month.

Needing advice?

Contact Us

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Groupe V.S.E.E. SL.

Rua Da Páscua, N·7 – R/C
1250-177 Lisboa, Portugal

Contact our experts francofonos:

00 351 215553629

Company in Spain:

Calle Tuset 20/24 – 8º 8ª
Barcelona 08006 SPAIN

Company in Andorra:

Av. Consell De La Terra 19
AD700 - Escaldes Engordany
Principat D'Andorra